In-House Design. Printing. Installation.

The Lakeland Sign & Banner Difference

The Sign Industry is competitive. Knowing that, we have to stay parallel or ahead of industry standards. This means using the latest technology and print equipment as well as having the team that can create great work on the design side. We also realized that installation of the products we make, would add customer value and can make all the difference if we were a one-source solution.
-So We did just that.

Our Capabilities

From Start to Finish, DESIGN TO INSTALLATION, small projects to large commercial work, Lakeland Sign & Banner will execute and deliver AS PROMISED. 
We always enjoy discussing new ideas and projects you may have in mind so please stop by and we'll be happy to assist. While we are seasoned within the industry, its always fun challenging our equipment and design capabilities. 

Call, email, or send us a text today!
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